Shy Ragdoll
This exotic cats is spoiled and loves to be love.Friendly and smart in attract people.When you loves it don’t be surprise if you must pay a lot of money for this Ragdoll.Its calm and sometimes quite attractive to play and fool around.
When you come Ragdoll cat look very happy.This white,blue,old brown to grey haired cat have a calm,friendly,sensitive characteristic.
Ragdoll is a perfect companion in the house.Its obedient,and easy to teach so it won’t bother the owner.With its fun behaviour,Ragdoll also have other excession in its physic and look too.Like a coat its hair cover all of its body and very thick.
Ragdoll have quite a long hair.The long is intermediate,soft and look more longer in some parts.Specially in the quills and around its tail.In its leg interface the hair is long and look like a tassel.
In the lower body or lower stomach a soft,smooth,and long hair hang over.this smart and cute cat have 3 kinds of hair pattern,sharp colour,medium colour,mix of both.This exotic cat have a long body,muscular,with wide chest.Ragdoll usually havev a strong and thick bones.Its skeleton also look big and flat.
This cat face is sweet.They have medium size of face with round cheek.Its eyes is oval and blue, a clear and clean blue eyes.Its ear is small,stiff facing the front.The easiest way to recognize this related with Persian,Burma,and Siam cats is from the head or face.
Specially the eyes,ears,and cheek.Ragdoll came from USA.But now most import Ragdoll cat came from Australia.
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